
Parasites Mod 1.12.2 (Scape and Run, Dangerous Mobs for Minecraft)

 Scape and Run: Parasites Mod adds aggressive parasite-themed creatures for you to battle in your Minecraft game. They may be deadly, and terrifying, and some of them can learn from their conflicts to evolve. They don't spawn in specific biomes, thus you may find them wherever. The parasites do not burn in daylight, and they are capable of attacking other hostile mobs (optional).

Parasites Mod 1.12.2 (Scape and Run, Dangerous Mobs for Minecraft)
Parasites Mod 1.12.2 (Scape and Run, Dangerous Mobs for Minecraft)

Minecraft Scape and Run: Parasites Mod adds more deadly mobs (parasite-themed type monsters) to your planet.

  • Shyco: A Shyco is similar to an Iron Golem in that it can hurl you in the air to do extra damage and has a big health bar.
  • Dorpa: A large spider capable of throwing web balls at its prey in order to keep it from fleeing.
  • Rathol is a massive, sluggish beast with a large health bar. It may spontaneously burst, releasing extra poison-resistant minions.
  • Emana: A winged monster capable of shooting poison missiles, Emana is one of the Rathol's minions.
  • Lodo: A earth monster and one of the Rathol's servants.
  • Infected Human: A living person who is controlled by a parasite and hunts with the beasts they once battled. These abduct live beings in order to process them for assimilation and transform into new forms.

The parasites do not burn in the sunlight and are capable of attacking other hostile mobs.

Parasite Mob Features

  • Assimilated Cow: A Vanilla parasite victim; when killed, you may discover what was within.
  • Assimilated Big Spider: Unknown origin, one of the parasite victims with the ability to fire web missiles.
  • Assimilated Humans: Living beings controlled by a parasite that hunts with the animals they formerly opposed.
  • Assimilated Sheep: A victim of the Vanilla parasite; when killed, you may discover what was within.
  • Assimilated Wolf: A victim of the Vanilla parasite; when killed, you may discover what was within.
  • Buglin: Insect-like entities found within afflicted individuals.
  • Rupter: insect-like animals that can infect cows, sheep, and wolves and force them to fight for their cause.
  • Heavy Transporter: A massive, sluggish beast with a hefty health bar. It may spontaneously burst, releasing extra poison-resistant minions.
  • Carrier Aerial: A little flying creature. It may spontaneously burst, releasing extra poison-resistant minions.
  • Vigilante: These are designed for territorial defense, thus you'll only encounter them in infested areas.

The Longarms Division

  • The Reeker Branch: These are noted for their mobility and tremendous damage, as well as their ability to poison their victims.
  • The Summoner Branch: Because they can summon reinforcements, it is best to eliminate them first.
  • The Yelloweye Branch: Flying monsters with the ability to fire poison missiles.
  • The Manducater Branch: These want to remain unnoticed, so keep quiet or you may hear them.
  • Branches of Strengthening: The Bolsters are the faction's supporters, and they are known for their capacity to boost adjacent parasites.
  • A huge flying parasite is known as the Ancient Dreadnaut.
  • A huge walking parasite is known as the Ancient Overlord

Parasites Mod 1.12.2 (Scape and Run, Dangerous Mobs for Minecraft)
Parasites Mod 1.12.2 (Scape and Run, Dangerous Mobs for Minecraft)

Recommended Texture Pack for Parasites Mod

Download Scape and Run: Parasites Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2 (Forge)

See Also
